



Mr David Lewis (Chair of Governors)

I was appointed as a co-opted governor in January 2022 and I am responsible for Maths, Computing and Design & Technology at Christelton Primary School.
I am a resident of Christleton and my daughter has been a pupil at the school since 2021.
I am a qualified accountant and currently fulfil the role of the Senior Internal Audit Manager at Dechra Pharmaceuticals plc. In addition, I am also a director at North Star Mortgage and Financial Services Ltd.
Whilst I do not have a background in teaching, I endeavour to contribute skills from the wider business world and seek to provide assurance, insight and advice.


  Type  Appointed  End of Term  Voting Rights
  Co-opted January 2022 January 2026 Full

Mrs Yvonne Gibson (Vice-Chair of Governors)

I am the LA Governor for Christleton Primary and the Vice-chair of governors. My responsibilities are EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage) and SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities). Before retiring I was a Local Authority advisor in the Learning and Achievement Branch of the Children’s and Young People’s department.  Part of my role involved developing and managing the Minority Ethnic Achievement Service, this consisted of teachers/consultants, teaching assistants and Project Officers. We supported primary and secondary schools in meeting the needs of BAME pupils in particular those learning English as an Additional Language.  We delivered training, conducted assessments of underachieving pupils and newly arrived pupils and advised teaching staff. We also worked with parents and children in children’s centres
I began my teaching career in the middle of the 1980s.  As a class teacher, I taught across the age range in primary schools in West Yorkshire and the Wirral.  Before teaching, I had various part-time jobs including running a pre-school playgroup five mornings a week in Suffolk.  I have a particular interest in Early Years education and also in SEND.Retirement has enabled me to spend far more time with my four children and ten grandchildren and also, to travel to various parts of the world.
Previous roles/responsibilities: Chair of the Learning and Teaching Committee, Chair of the Staffing Committee.  English.
  Type  Appointed  End of Term  Voting Rights
  Local Authority First Appointed July 2018 July 2026  Full

Mr Oliver Mitchell 

I have been the headteacher of Christleton Primary School since January 2017. As headteacher, I am automatically a governor by virtue of the role.
I attend all governing body meetings and work closely with the governors to ensure the best outcomes for our children. I have regular meetings with the chair and vice chair to ensure that they are fully informed and involved in the life of the school.
I am responsible for the strategic direction of the school, its management (including managing finances, management of staff and the management of the site), safeguarding and the curriculum we deliver. I am passionate about providing the best education and experiences for our children. I believe that they deserve the very best opportunities, and facilities, and strive to provide this for them. I aim to support each child’s development so they are able to be the best that they can be and develop into confident, well-rounded, happy young people.
  Type  Appointed  End of Term  Voting Rights
  Virtue of role Janaury 2017 n/a Full

Mrs Katie Fisher

Being a local resident and having a child attend Christleton Primary gave me the desire to become more involved with the school. I have a general interest in education and am passionate to support the operations of the school however possible.
Professionally, I am a Chartered Accountant and business owner, taking the day-to-day role of Finance Director of a long-standing professional services firm.
Having spent much of my early career auditing educational institutions, this gave me a basic understanding of how educational institutions operate and the challenges they face. I have continued to be interested in the education sector, having previously been the Treasurer of Christleton Preschool, volunteering as a Teaching Assistant at another local school for a short time and providing support with activities at Christleton Primary.
I am enthusiastic, passionate and genuinely interested in supporting the efforts made by all involved in the school.
I am a Co-Opted Governor and my responsibilities include English.
  Type  Appointed  End of Term  Voting Rights
  Co-opted June 2023 June 2027  Full

Mrs Helen Eaton 

I became part of the Governing team at Christleton Primary to bring my experience as a Parent, Teacher and Primary Education Consultant; to support the children and its dedicated staff to flourish even further.
I love the school motto of children aspiring to "be the best they can possibly be!" and I endeavour to keep this at the core of all I do as a Governor.
In my teaching career, I taught across all year groups in primary schools across Cheshire. I was seconded as a Primary Mathematics Consultant for Cheshire West and Chester Local Authority and I attained my National Professional Qualification for Headship in 2005.
I currently provide education consultancy support services for companies such as ECM Education Ltd, The BBC and Chester Zoo and I also produce educational resources for teachers and parents.
In addition, I am co-founder of our family business Education Box, which specialises in producing fun educational times tables music and music videos. The music and videos we produce are used by teachers, parents and children globally.
My daughter started in Reception class in 2020; it is a privilege to have her at Christleton Primary.
My Governor curriculum responsibilities are Science, Art and Design..
  Type  First Appointed  End of Term  Voting Rights
  Parent Elected November 2021 November 2025 Full

Mr Jon West

I am a local resident of Littleton with a family including two young children who both attended Christleton Primary School. I am currently working at Lloyds Banking Group in the City of London and hold a relationship with MBNA Limited (now part of Lloyds Banking Group) who have historically provided support for educational and charitable activities in the local community. I have held various finance related positions and responsibilities including finance, accounting and treasury. I spent the majority of my career as Head of Treasury at MBNA.
I am an experienced board member holding multiple directorships of property and finance companies. I chair the school's Finance and Staffing Committee including responsibilities to advise on the school's income, expenditure and budget forecasts. 
I attended local schools in the Chester area (Mollington Primary School and Upton by Chester High School) before graduating from Manchester University (BA (Econ) honours degree in Economics) and Manchester Business School (MBA).
  Type  Appointed  End of Term  Voting Rights
  Co-opted First Appointed December 2015 December 2023  Full

Revd. Elizabeth Inall 

I am appointed as a community governor. I represent Christleton Parish Council on the board in order to liaise between the school and the community. I have lived in Christleton for many years having retired from my job as Vicar of three villages in rural north Bedfordshire where I was also a lower school governor.
Before entering full time ministry, I worked as a Physiotherapist. I am married with three adult children and seven grandchildren. I am kept busy in retirement with gardening, travelling, learning German and learning to play the piano. I also help to deliver the Open the Book assemblies in school.
I sit on the Teaching and Learning Committee and am the link governor for Modern Foreign Languages (French) and Religious Education.
  Type  Appointed  End of Term  Voting Rights
  Community Governor  First Appointed December 2015 December 2023 Full

Mr Stephen Potter

Appointed as a parent governor in July 2023, my responsbilites for Christleton Primary School's curriculum include Geography, History, Music and Physical Education. Passionate about helping young people 'be the best they can be', I am currently the deputy headteacher of a local primary school in Cheshire West and Chester and a coach for Liverpool Football Club.
  Type  Appointed  End of Term  Voting Rights
  Parent Elected  14 July 2023 13 July 2027 Full

Revd. Dr. Stefan Collier

A parish priest for 14 years, the last six of which have been here as Rector of Christleton. Prior to this an astrophysicist and nuclear physicist. I have previously served as governor of both secondary and primary schools. I enjoy spending time with my family, computer software development, and walking with friends. Collectively, I hope my experiences will positively contribute to the continued flourishing of Christleton Primary School in the years ahead.

  Type  Appointed  End of Term  Voting Rights
  Co-opted  23 September 2024 23 September 2027 Full

Mrs Sarah King

I was appointed as a staff governor in 2021.

I am a teacher at Christleton Primary school, currently in the reception (EYFS) class. I am also the EYFS lead. 

  Type  Appointed  End of Term  Voting Rights
  Staff Governor February 2021 February 2025 Full

Mrs Jacqui Critchley 

The school employs Mrs Jacqui Critchley via Edsential to clerk the governor meetings. 

Mrs Lisa Bowes

I am an associate governor and attend some governor meetings.

I am the school bursar and may attend meetings to report back on financial matters.

  Type  Appointed  End of Term  Voting Rights
  Associate Member n/a n/a None

Mrs Nia Hughes

I am an associate governor and attend some governor meetings.

I am the deputyhead and attend meetings to report back mainly on school development and evaluation matters.

  Type  Appointed  End of Term  Voting Rights
  Associate Member n/a n/a None

Christleton Primary School

Quarry Ln, Christleton, Chester CH3 7AY
Our school is a place of learning where everyone is valued and positively encouraged to achieve their full potential in a safe and caring environment.
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Get in Touch

Telephone 01244 455288
Contact Lisa Bowes, Taryn Croft and Jane Hughes
Bursar and School Admin Assistants
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